Younasse Tarbouni’s areas of interest include foreign language education (Arabic and Amazigh) in European Public Schools.

Younasse Tarbouni
Teaching Professor of Arabic
PhD, EHESS, University PSL, Paris, France
MA, Carson-Newman College
MA, Carson-Newman College
Research interests:
Mediterranean migration business
Global South evolution vs Global North regression
Apostasy and forced South North migration
Regional migration and the new socio-ethnic tensions in the Global South
North African fiaspora political representation in the homeland
The Arab and Arabic language issues in the Global North
Social polices post-2010 Arab movements
The language issue in higher education in MENA
Contact info:
- Email:
- Phone: 314-935-4327
- Office: Busch Hall 006
Mailing address:
- MSC 1121-107-113 Washington University One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130-4899