TRIADS Training Series: Getting Started with HPC at WashU


TRIADS Training Series: Getting Started with HPC at WashU

**New participants slots have been opened for this class.**

This 4-course seminar will provide participants with a foundation in using the RIS computing cluster. RIS is a computing platform run by WashU, which offers services for both data storage (allowing users to store and access terabytes of their data easily) and high-performance computing (allowing users to run large-scale, computing-intensive tasks requiring many CPU and GPU cores, and high amounts of RAM). The course will guide participants through logging on to RIS, uploading data to RIS Storage, running basic programs, and using Docker (the program used by RIS to facilitate installation of a user's individual software needs). By the end of the workshop, you will be able to use RIS resources, including GPUs, to store large datasets and perform data analysis and other research computing tasks.

This class is intended for graduate students, faculty, and staff from any field at WashU who currently write and run programs on their computers but want to move their programs to WashU’s high-performance computing cluster at RIS. This seminar will discuss some of the differences between building Docker containers in Python and R, but much of the session will also apply to all systems and languages.

This class will be fully in-person, and participants will use their own laptops.

TRIADS training workshops are co-sponsored by University Library Data Services, as part of the DataLab Workshops series.

Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10-11.30 a.m.

Location: Olin Library Level A, Instruction Room 3

Instructor: Greg Porter

Max enrollment: Enrollment is limited to 20. If you enroll and elect not to attend, please let us know ASAP so we can offer the space to another participant.