Literacies for Life and Career Oversight and Implementation Teams

Oversight and Implementation Teams

Steering Committee

Brian Carpenter, co-lead, Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences
Erin McGlothlin, co-lead, Vice Dean of Undergraduate Affairs & Professor of German and Jewish Studies
Sara Ryu, Director of Academic Initiatives & Special Advisor to the Vice Dean
Jen Smith, Vice Provost for Educational Initiatives & Professor of Earth & Planetary Science

Advisory Committee

The role of the Advisory Committee is to facilitate communication between various units across the university and to ensure that Literacies for Life and Career aligns with the objectives of the other undergraduate schools as well as with the Washington University Strategic Plan.

  • Nan Barnes, Director, Academic Partnerships (Center for Career Engagement)
  • Tim Bono, Associate Dean and Director of Research & Analytics (Student Affairs), Lecturer in Psychological & Brain Sciences (A&S)
  • Mimi Calter, Vice Provost and University Librarian
  • Megan Daschbach, Teaching Professor of Chemistry (A&S)
  • Amy Hauft, Director of the College & Graduate School of Art, Jane Reuter Hitzeman and Herbert F. Hitzeman, Jr. Professor of Art (Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts)
  • Grace Chapin James, Executive Director of Undergraduate Admissions (Office of Undergraduate Admissions)
  • Andrew Knight, Executive Director, George and Carol Bauer Leaders Academy, and Professor of Organizational Behavior (Olin School of Business)
  • Shanti Parikh, Chair and Professor of Sociocultural Anthropology and of African and African-American Studies, Pillar Champion for “Expand Student Literacies and Engagement Through the Liberal Arts” (A&S)
  • Elina Salminen, Center for Teaching and Learning, Assistant Director for Educational Development
  • Jay Turner, Vice Dean for Education, James McKelvey Professor of Engineering Education (McKelvey School of Engineering)
  • Abram van Engen, Chair and Professor of English (A&S)

Implementation Staff

Michelle DeLair, Director of Curricular Innovation
Patricia Maurer, Assistant Director of Curricular Innovation
Jenny Givens, Literacies Project Coordinator