Michelle DeLair

Michelle DeLair

Director of Curricular Innovation, College of Arts & Sciences
Michelle DeLair

Michelle DeLair serves as the Director of Curricular Innovation, working closely with Vice Dean McGlothlin and Sara Ryu on the implementation of the Literacies for Life and Career strategic initiative. With expertise in faculty development, career development, and pedagogy, Michelle works closely with faculty and advisors to help students connect the dots between their liberal arts education and their purpose-filled futures.

A product of the liberal arts herself, Michelle earned a bachelor’s degree in economics at the College of William & Mary and her PhD in history at Washington University. She previously worked on campus as Assistant Director of Academic Services in the Teaching Center, supporting faculty and graduate students in developing engaging and inclusive teaching practices. Most recently, Michelle served as Assistant Director of Graduate Career Development in the Career Center, working closely with students, departments, and faculty to guide graduate students in connecting their academic training to post-graduate careers. 

She teaches in the American Culture Studies program, including the Ampersand: Exploring America sequence on American Landscapes and a range of courses on the history of American consumer culture and the built environment.

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