Inclusive Teaching & Scholarship

Inclusive Teaching & Scholarship

A Foundational Area

We aim for students of all identities to have equitable access to opportunities and to achieve their educational goals with equal success.

Teaching methods must effectively promote learning for students of all identities and ensure that they feel welcomed and represented in the classroom. Further, scholars of all identities must feel included, have a voice, and be equally successful in research, scholarship, and creative practice. We know our work will be better when our community of scholars reflects a diverse array of identities, perspectives, and backgrounds. To build these foundational goals, we will:

  • Improve outreach in recruitment
  • Build a distinct and robust infrastructure dedicated to developing teaching practices that foster inclusivity by incorporating diverse perspectives in course content, creating a classroom climate supportive of students’ backgrounds and identities, and using innovative approaches to engagement and assessment
  • Cultivate an Arts & Sciences culture that facilitates and promotes connections among underrepresented faculty, including enhanced programs designed to help department chairs build inclusive cultures 
  • Create new mentoring activities supported by the Dean’s Office
  • Bring diverse visitors to campus