TRIADS Speaker Series: Communication for Action: Bottom-Up and Top-Down Processes of Social Influence

Communication for Action: Bottom-Up and Top-Down Processes of Social Influence

This talk will begin with an analysis of the processes of communication that unfold when individuals receive messages from others. Albarracín will describe experiments designed to establish whether merely alluding to behaviors can influence others to perform those behaviors, as well as the conditions under which this occurs. This will be followed by an account of the use of artificial intelligence to elevate behavioral messages to authorities within communities, concluding with field and experimental research on the bottom-up, social action mechanisms that inspire authorities to work toward solving problems in their communities.

The TRIADS Speaker Series is co-sponsored by the Digital Intelligence & Innovation Accelerator.

Dolores Albarracín's talk is co-sponsored by AI-ACCESS NRT.


Dolores Albarracín is the Alexandra Heyman Nash University Professor and Director of the Social Action Lab at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. She studies the impact of communication and persuasion on human behavior and the formation of beliefs, attitudes, and goals, particularly those that are socially beneficial. In addition to an interest in basic attitudinal processes, she is interested in finding ways of intervening to promote positive social interactions and public policies.